Well I decided to do a "Hollywood" theme. Why? Because it's the most popular and very simple to create. Plus I've always been 'mesmerized' by Hollywood. I have a clip chart themed Hollywood, which a co-worker found for me at The First Grade Parade. I found many ideas from other sites too, of which I cannot remember, I've looked at so many sites. So to all those who created Hollywood themed classroom "stuff", a big huge THANK YOU! Now all I need are Daily 5 cards to match my theme. I created them myself, but eh, they don't look as cute.
I have been sitting on Pinterest finding a whole bunch of stuff, neglecting other things, like the Lucy Calkins Writer's Workshop and the Daily 5 and Cafe. I must get to those things and soon. Thank goodness for Vacation Bible School starting next week so I won't sit here half the day googling Hollywood themed stuff. I'll add pictures later when I get them taken of what I've found. Although I'll probably wait until I can get into my classroom and start decorating.