Saturday, August 11, 2012

The First Week is Ova!

Well the past three days went by fast at times and slow at other times, but I did survive the first week. I have another great bunch of kids! Seriously! Second year in a row that God has blessed me with great kids. I am just amazed at how well they listen and follow routines already. That's the difference between third grade and second grade. My third graders were great. I love and miss them! But they're beginning to want to test the waters a bit, think they can do things completely on their own, etc. Second graders are still "babies", lovey dovey babies. And they want to please their teacher so. And they're so excited over the little things! Like moving your clip up! (thanks to the Clip Chart - best.thing.ever!) 

This week was nothing but routines, routines, routines. And let me tell you, these kids are great at routine (thanks to the wonderful 1st grade teachers they had last year!)! They even had to remind ME of my own routine. Ha! On Friday we packed up and they brought me their planners to sign off on and when a few of them came up to me and stood in line (quietly!) I was like "What are you doing?" and one little girl said "Our planners??" and I was like "Oh yeah!!" They laughed at me forgetting. 

Next week we get into the heart of things as we get into reading, math, science, writing, social studies. I pray I can keep with keeping them doing routine stuff while my brain is focused on teaching them the lessons planned (by my wonderful partner in crime!). I'm ready to start the teaching stuff. I'm ready to try Daily 5 and Lucy Calkins writing. And I'm excited about the science series too. 

I want to stay in Second Grade for forever!

Sunday, August 5, 2012

Meet the Teacher

Friday night I had my second 'Meet the Teacher' night. I have 17 students and 15 of the 17 showed up. Most of the teachers I spoke with had a great turn out, so that's always a plus. Parent involvement is necessary for children to succeed. 

I have some cuties! One student told me that the classroom I am in was his classroom last year. I felt bad for him that he was in the same room again, but I said "Well it looks different doesn't it? So it's not really the 'same' room, just the same location." And he agreed. Another student asked about the buckets in my room. I'm doing bucket fillers, where students can write nice notes to each other to 'fill up their bucket'. I also sent home a form in my welcome packet so the families can send in a note with their child to 'fill up their bucket'. And another student wanted to know what my bright colored pink and green chairs were for. I have hot pink and green saucer chairs in my room which I use as a reward, where the student can sit in the chair for the entire day (so long as they keep their focus). I have no place to put them, but want to keep them in my room. 

Overall it was a good night. 

Monday I have a professional development training all day long, with a lunch break to a local church who supports my school by donating school supplies. The church hosts us and serves us lunch. Then we pack up the supplies and bring them back with us to the school. Then on Tuesday is a teacher work day, which will be spent lesson planning with my wonderful team! 

Then we greet the kids bright and early on Wednesday. I can't believe another year is starting again. 

I hope as the year goes by I can share ideas that I use in my classroom. Keep checking back. And check out the new pics of my room!

I will keep track of their weekly behavior for PBS days each 9 weeks

I'll have some celebs in my room for sure this year!

Half of my front board - Noise-o-Meter, Champs chart, calendar, and planner

Up close view of the Noise-o-Meter: thanks to someone on Pinterest!

And the Champs chart - I will replace the pictures based upon the activity throughout the day

My daily calendar

I just can't get over my cute buckets!

Donation Table - 20 stars, all but 4 were picked up!

Welcome table

I redid this board to fit all the black squares. I'll be adding stars with students' names.

Welcome bulletin board in the hallway

I rolled out the red carpet for my parents and students!

This board will be changing but I wanted to have some rules up. Can't really see the rules but they are an acronym for the word STAR.

Welcome packet with a goodie bag of Swedish Fish and a pencil

"You are o"fish"ially a 2nd grader!"

Alphabet Line - love the drawings. They're really cute!

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

First Official Day Back

Even though I have been in my room off and on since the second week of July ... yes, the second week of July ... today was the first official day back. 

It was nice to be back, but weird. 

I wasn't the newbie anymore. I mean it's only my second year, but there were like 5 or 6 newbies. I wasn't one being totally embarrassed (in a good way) as I was being introduced to the entire staff. In a way I was glad, but yet I felt a little left out. Fortunately I feel a bit more experienced than last year. At least I knew what was being talked about when it came to certain things!

However, whenever veteran teachers would walk through my room to get from one side of the school to the other more quickly than walking down a hallways they were very envious of the fact that my room was completely set up! I am very proud of that fact. 

So since I did not have to set up my room I spent today helping others. It made me feel good. I helped a new teacher who was literally hired yesterday. I gave her bulletin board paper. I helped another co-worker set up his computer. I loaned just about everything to my partner-in-crime Elizabeth. Elizabeth, you owe me big time! Ha! God says we are to be of help to others. I feel accomplished today! 

However, tomorrow, I must get some other things done. Meet the Teacher night is Friday. I need to get my packets together for that. I would have done that today however the copier kept getting jammed up. No bueno!